Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 10- Poke 5

Uugh. I am sitting here with the needle beside me and I just can't do it. I dislike poking myself so much. I'm sure after the 100th or so one I should be alright.. but at this point I'm not. Oh maybe your wondering what I'm complaining about. Its my injections. I know it doesn't hurt but tell that to me again. You would not believe how sweaty my hands are right now.. like glistening I'm freaking out about it so much.

Ok, I'm back... not like you would know I had left. But it gets better, not only did it not really hurt but I did hit a blood vessel. So its bleeding pretty good right now and feels like I have a nice lump under my skin.

Oh the joys of MS.

~Just a girl