Wednesday, October 31, 2012


It is hard when things start piling up; school, tests, quizzes, osces (don't worry about it), weight, lack of exercise. It almost feels like things are spinning out of control. I am not sure how to attack things that are coming at me. OR what I should even do first. Why didn't anyone ever tell me how to deal with, midterms, quizzes, living without my best friend in the same town.. mixing all of that in with personal life, exercise, healthy lifestyle.  Oh and it must've slipped my mind, MS, infusions, injections, rashes, antibiotics. I feel lost. I was talking to someone tonight about their life, first year out of highschool- playing basketball, living away from family and getting nothing worse than A's on their midterms or assignments. I haven't pulled off and A yet in any of my classes, and I'm not doing any of those things. Whats up? I don't know. This is hard, and I feel like no one knows how I really feel.

God, I need you now. I don't know what to do. I am literally drowning, in life and my tears as I write. I am hurting, feeling less of a person for all of this. I'm finding it impossible to "count it all joy". I'm lost, scared, I know You have a purpose, but right now, honestly I don't see it.


~Just a Girl

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