Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mental Health Day

I hated those words in high school... "I'm taking a mental health day, I'll see you tomorrow." There were two reasons for why I hated those words. First was because it meant that I wasn't going to see my best friend and would have to endure the endeavors of high school on my own. Second, I was jealous. Jealous that I couldn't take a mental health day.  (I'm actually laughing out loud right now thinking about this and imagining how my parents would react if I asked them this in high school  I could not even dream of a mental health day, my parents would not hear of such a thing. Nope, we went to school all the time. How unfair right? It wasn't actually that bad, just some days I wished I could stay home for no reason. But I would feel so guilty if I stayed home even if I was sick, for real. I had just grown up that you never skipped school, unless you were very sick or on sports trips.

Anyways, the bonus of living on my own--well kind of on my own means that I can take mental health days (mom, dad, I go to school ok? For real... I don't skip, so don't worry) without feeling guilty.

Today is my mental health day, I feel like I haven't had a day that just is mine, I can do whatever I want to do today, with no pressures of a assignment due tomorrow or anything or 10 page paper due in the morning :) That was last night. I also could not fall asleep until like 2:30-3:00 and woke up with a strange pain in my stomach that would come and go, but made me feel pretty gross. I think its gone now. So today I decided was a day for myself. I think I will go run errands and hang out with a friend.. I don't know I could do anything really....

But what really inspired me to write today was a song that I turned on while I was looking for my ipod, which I lost for a few weeks--its found now in case you were worried. But it put a huge smile on my face when I started listening to the lyrics. The song is called "Give it All Away" by Aaron Shust. The best lines are the chorus....
All of my plans, all of my dreamsI lay them down before Your feetAll of my time, all that was mineI know, submit to Your design. 

It makes me thankful for the reminder that, yes, I have plans and dreams for myself. I have had them my whole life.  But I want to be reminded that I must/should lay my plans, I mean we all should lay our dreams and plans down at His feet. Give them up and fully surrender them to God. He has a plan, His plan for our lives and who are we to take that upon ourselves to do... and really in reality when I think about it and how his desire for my life is so much greater than what I could ever imagine for myself. But for me I know that this has to be a daily occurrence, for me to subit to His design.

Have a great day!

~Just a Girl

Saturday, March 2, 2013

God, Gravol and Gabapentin

Those are the three G's that got me through this last week.

First and foremost, I just have to say thank you. Thank you for your prayers. This week would have been much harder if it wasn't for your prayers and encouraging comments and support.

Monday and Tuesday was hard, I was still feeling pretty sick or just exhausted. My sleep still was not doing all that great. I slept in and rested for those two days.
Wednesday was good, I was still pretty exhausted and to be quite honest I don't even remember what I did the frist 3 days of this week. Buuuuttt.... then Wednesday night came around. 
I then had clinical on Thursday. However I also knew that I had to get up at 0500 for it. I found the best combination for sleep. God, Gravol and Gabapentin. I woke up on Thursday with energy and excitement for the day. I finally felt rested, a feeling that I had not experienced for a very long time.
I had a great day in clinical. The staff were great, patients were wonderful and just great to talk to and get to know.
Friday was just as great, much more exhausting, but great none the less. I had my midterm evaluation from my clinical instructor. She was very pleased with me. She loved the way that I interact with the staff, patients and other students. She commented on things that I had no idea people were watching. (that sounds weird, let me clear it up) But it was a conversation that I had with this little boy, at the water machine. It was simple, harmless, 45 second conversation about coffee and french vanilla. I hardly thought anything of it. At the end of my shift I had two clients give me a hug. It made my day. 

Oh, I love clinical, I love working in the hospital, I think am going to LOVE being a nurse. (never did I thinkI would say that) I love that I am able to bring a little bit of light to someones crappy day. I love learning about the body, how it works and the different methods of healing it, watching it heal.

Anyways, I think that the drugs that I got are finally starting to kick in. The swelling in my hand has gone down, the pain has lessened and the energy comes and goes. But things are starting to look up a little bit.

Another quote for you tonight... I came across it the other day.

If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it. Change your attitude. 

OH (right dad?) Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference... :)

Have a good evening!

~Just a Girl