Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is MS?

So are any of you wondering what Multiple Sclerosis is? Well I am too.

Just kidding!
I do know I feel like I know a lot actually. So I will share this information with you.

Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease. This means that my body is fighting itself. My body has decided that the covering of my nerves is the 'enemy'. So all the nerves in our bodies are covered with a coating called a myelin sheath. It is kind of like the way wires (computer cords etc.) are in that plastic coating. When that coating was taken away it creates problems, with a cord it is able to short circuit. Which is what my nerves are doing. My body has attacked my nerves, more specifically the myelin sheath which causes my limbs to be numb, vision issues etc. So after the bits of my myelin sheath is gone my body tries to repair it. After the repair, like any other tissue that is greatly damaged it leaves a scar, or multiple scars, hence multiple sclerosis (scars). These scars are located all around my brain, in the white matter and also my cervical spine. Why don't we look a little closer at one of my symptoms; blurred vision. There are some scars on or near my optic nerve, these scars can be very heat sensitive. So when my body temperature rises it exacerbates my blurred vision. Tada! These lesions or scars also create a numbness in my hand, which to this day still has not gone away or gotten any better.

Well I hope that this was informative for you. If you would like to know more don't be afraid to ask or check out this website MS Society.

Have a great night.

~Just A Girl

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