Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Monday September 10, 2012

I met with the neurologist from UBC, Dr. Traboulsee and he confirmed that I do in fact have Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He, well actually we all looked at my MRI and found 50+ lesions in my brain and cervical spine.Which yes, sounds like a lot but apparently it doesn't mean its really bad.

I saw a nurse earlier in the week and she helped explain to me my symptoms and how I can 'treat' them. The biggest thing she explained was why I had blurry vision when I exercised. She told me that I most likely had a lesion on my optical nerve, because she hadn't seen the MRI she was making a very educated guess. She explained that when I exercised of course my body temperature went up and the lesions are very heat sensitive so they react to that. Hence the trouble with vision. This was before I had seen the neurologist.

Dr. Traboulsee described to me and my family that I had a very aggressive form of MS and that I should be on some sort of treatment very soon. He was very positive and encouraging and presented a few options for me, treatment wise. He at first showed me the 5 or 6 regular drugs that would help with the side affects of MS. (For any of those who don't know MS, is not curable but it is maintainable.) He also informed us that the majority of these drugs would be less than 50% affective for me, because of how aggressive my MS is.
At this point he left the room and came back with in 30 seconds with a large stack of papers. He then asked us, more specifically myself how I felt about drug trials. He then told us about a specific drug trail that he has been working on for a while now. He became quite excited about this as he told us what it would involve and how great this new drug was, "It knocks the socks off MS!! to quote.
So after the meeting with Dr Traboulsee I went home and thought more about the drug trial. I will explain more about these things in a later post. But so long.. thanks for reading.

~Living With MS

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