Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 160- Almost Done!

Oh, how much I am looking forward to being almost finished my semester. It has been a blur. To be honest the start, or even Christmas feels like forever ago, I feel like so much has happened. But I am glad to be finished and at this point would rather look forward than eminence about the past.

So what are my plans for after the semester? Well let me tell you, and then tell you how excited I am about them.

So after my exams, which end on the 25th of April I have four more weeks of clinical. I am on a different floor, Family Medicine Unit. It will be a much different experience than my last clinical experience. I liked being on a post surgery floor, most of my patients were aware of what was going on and it was a quick turn around. I liked the faster paced movement of the floor. It will be 12 hours on Friday, 12 hours on Saturday and 8 hours on Sunday. At this point I am a little nervous for 12 hour shifts, I will be exhausted those weekend I am pretty sure. Oh well I only have 4 weeks of it. I think I will survive. (Provided I do pass my classes this semester)

After my four weeks of clinical my family has decided to bless me and send me on a trip that I have only dreamed about. I will tell you more about it later in time. : )

After that trip, should be about 3 weeks....I will be doing something awesome, hopefully. So I talked to my best friend and she wanted to work at a camp. Much of me really wanted to go with her, but I knew I had to work. Then my parents suggested that I too go work at some camp. So I told my friend, that whatever camp she went to, or whatever she did I wanted to do it with her. So looks like, if I ever fill out my application her and I will work out at Echo Lake Bible Camp together. I have missed my that girl way to much this year...and probably will never live in the same city again, so I am looking forward to this opportunity to work at a camp and spend the summer with her.

As for prayer and stuff with God these days its sweet to see how He works. One thing I have really appreciated are friends that challenge me. In many different ways and in ways that most of the time they have no idea. I love and maybe sometimes hate when people ask the tough questions. When they challenge me on what I think or believe.  I love it!

So, next week I head to Vancouver again, for two full days. It will be a long two days. First one I am showing up at 7:00am for my two and a half hour MRI--sounds like fun right? Not really, at all. It is terrible uncomfortable, and apparently I touch my face a lot, and coughing while trying to be still is really really hard. Then I will have a few assessments, and questionnaires. The next day I have my infusion which will probably be 4-5 hours, if not more. That is not my favorite part of my trip, well actually, I don't really love any part of these trips. Except for seeing people I don't get to see very often. Then it makes the trip that much better, friends, cousins, family. That part is nice.

Well, I need to get going, today is a long school day and I should get ready.

Hope you all have a great day!

~Just a Girl

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