Wednesday, November 6, 2013

One of Those Days

Today is one of those days that I have to keep reminding myself that I am ok, that yes I live with this disease but I am ok.

I think it comes down to that same idea that I wrote about in my last blog post. "Behind a Mask."

Yesterday I was talking to a classmate about my life and mentioned that I had MS and it limited me from doing some things. She looked at me surprised, "Really?"

It was one of those wave moments where it feels like everything is just hitting me. Maybe its because school stuff is slowing down a wee bit and giving me more time to think about myself. Regardless, it made me realize that most people don't think about me as the girl who has MS. Which is a good thing, and I do appreciate that most people aren't judging me on the fact that I do have a disease, but I makes me sad when I have to retell my story. It is like re opening a wound that I thought had healed and as that happens it opens a whole can of worms I just wish I could bury for good.

With these feelings I find myself daily talking myself into staying positive despite what is going on and to keep trekking forward. Some days like today or even yesterday are harder than usual. I'm not really sure why, but I do know that I need to just keep swimming and keep my head above water. To remember the positive things in my life and put that smile back on my face.